Gallon Gals (Closed Build)

To be honest, I am unsure how to start this.

For some this will be a surprise, for others this will not be a shock. With a heavy heart, I am halting any and all progression of Gallon Gals. I unfortunately no longer have the heart for it to be completed. I have worked on the game for many years and it has unfortunately knocked the wind out of me. I still have a newer build of the game and will be making that build public as a new instance of the game, allowing both builds to be open.  I do want to address that even the newest build has bugs, many I was unable to fix. Any and all feedback and critiques are welcome and I would like to know either on Discord and/or Twitter. I would like to know where I can improve, what works, what doesn’t so I can learn to focus on those areas. I do sincerely apologize to all of my audience that was hoping for a complete product and I want to admit openly, I have failed you. However, I do not want to string you along, especially for those supporting our patreon. If this is a game changer for you and wish to depart, I completely understand and wish you the best.

To be honest, I would rather release a complete product or use the patreon and my other accounts to experiment with other projects, many smaller in scope. The reasons why it ballooned in scope were due to me wanting to prove myself as a developer. I don’t have much of a portfolio and I really wanted to ‘shock & awe’ would-be employers. I, however, have reached a point in my life that this kind of thinking has become problematic to me. It caused me to overplan mechanics, scenarios, and systems that I neither had the time or resources for. I want to rectify that by working on smaller projects. I see Gallon Gals as a mistake for biting off more than I can chew and would like to start smaller. I want to grow and expand my portfolio, not necessarily for employment, but because I genuinely want to grow as a developer and I have seen with myself that when I have many projects done over ‘The One Big One’, I’m more proud of many works.

If you would like to continue to support our patreon, that goes a long way and we appreciate all of your support. The patreon is not dead, I just wanted to address that Gallon Gals progression has stalled to a stop. I will keep all links involving the project up for everyone to see. I am debating in the near future depending on feedback if you guys want the source files to play around and mod. If you have any questions about the game please feel free to ask. If you like let me know, and again, I really do apologize for this news


GGLatestBuild.rar 74 MB
Aug 23, 2021

Get Gallon Gals (ALPHA) 0.8.0


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It's a shame, to be sure, but recognizing when you need to change course is as important as any other development skill. As for the source release, I'd say it couldn't hurt.


Why not let other people carry on development? it would be great to see what ideas other people have for the game